Visiting Cobar

I’m very excited that I will be visiting Cobar on 10 & 11 August!  I’m really looking forward to seeing what help I am able to provide people living in the outback.  I will be in clinic there for two days, getting to know the locals.  As a Mobile Naturopath, this opportunity to visit clients…

Welcoming in 2017

Happy New Year! So how are you all going? Are there many of you setting New Year’s resolutions or goals for 2017? Thank you for all the wonderful feedback regarding the mobile consultations and ordering. I am excited about providing a mobile service for the Newcastle region, and I’ve travelled from the Central Coast to…

Chicken Broth

Onions Carrots Celery And other root vegetables to your liking (pack them in) 2 tablespoons apple cider vinegar Free Range chicken or chicken bones (frame, neck, feet etc.) Parsley, bay leaves, thyme, rosemary, ginger, and other herbs to your liking Himalayan salt Peppercorns (Garlic ½ hr before eating) Add all ingredients to a really huge…

Cold & cough remedies

I am sitting at home with both my children off school for the day with a mild respiratory virus and cough, dosing them up on bone broth, vitamin C, zinc and a herbal tonic.  It made me think of all those times I have had clients tell me they are ‘too sick’ to come in…

Men’s Health

For me, men’s health is about helping men achieve their very best, whether that involves their physical, emotional or spiritual well-being. It’s about providing the support men need to feel they can do anything they set their mind to.

For some, it may be about looking after their health so that they can stick around and be a good role model as a father, or grandfather, as an uncle or friend. For others it may be learning how to destress and cope better with work pressures.

Often when I’m researching men’s health, I see loads of information on prostate treatment, cardiovascular disease and reproductive problems. But men’s health is so much more than just fixing illness. It’s important not just to recover from a health problem, but also to gain the motivation to stay healthy and happy.

Who makes you shine?

This is a photo of a magical moment caught between my mother and my daughter. It got me thinking about the women in my family who make me shine. My Grandma is an amazing woman in her 90s who is at the gym 5 days a week and is the fittest, strongest and emotionally enduring…

Breath: Fresh & revitalising

I am sitting at home with the fresh beautiful air of autumn breezing in through my open wind, and the sun on my shoulder.  The air is so fresh and revitalising, and it got me thinking about how we keep our homes ‘fresh and clean’. Perhaps you had your home all locked up over summer…

Why isn’t it working??

So, you’ve done all the right things with your diet, exercise, attitude – but the changes you were expecting haven’t started happening yet!  You think, “What am I doing wrong? Why isn’t it working yet?”  That can be a real challenge to your motivation, especially when you’ve made some drastic changes to your life and…

How to reduce trolley cost

Lots of people think that it can cost more to eat healthy versus a diet of junk and processed foods.  Whilst that may be true to a certain extent, it’s probably not by as much as you think! Many studies into food cost pitch one trolley against another with so-called equivalent ‘healthier’ options, but there…

Kids lunch – not a sandwich in sight!

Parents often tell me the meal that gives them the most grief is the school lunch, but relax! Here are a few good alternatives to the boring old sandwich: Salads – Salads need a good protein portion, such as chicken, tuna, salmon, egg, legumes or seeds (nuts if your school will allow).  Chopping or grating…

The Family Dinner Table

Each evening, my kids, my partner and I sit at the dinner table to eat our evening meal.  Sounds romantic doesn’t it?  Believe me, it’s sometimes not the easiest thing to do! Despite having me as their nutritionist mum, who has always insisted on family dinners, my kids will still complain that they don’t like…

HOW nutritious is your trolley?

I can’t stress how important it is to get up close and personal with nature’s resources.  Whole fresh food, full of vitality, colour, vitamins, minerals, phytonutrients – wow. For many people, the connection between what they eat and how they feel is missing, but that’s what I’m here for!  I love helping people make that…